
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Maori Cultural

 Hey readers, so yesterday we did these slides that shows past vs present time there is a difference mainly in the materials used.  I think I have done a decent job and I'll show u guys the end result.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Back from Holidays!

 Hey readers, 

I'm finally back from the holidays I had a great break from school I did lots of biking and just started to get back into cricket.

This week we tried to think of child movies or books and we thought of the protagonist and the agonist and I'll add the table so you can see what movies and books I did.


 The gruffalo Superman Iron man 


-The little mouse

He hears about how scary the gruffalo is and is trying to run away from him


-The gruffalo isn’t evil but he scares the little mouse with his massive sharp teeth, his big build and his dagger like claws



Superman is trying to stop lex luthor from controlling the city/the whole earth but he struggles because lex luthor has kryptonite 


-Lex luthor

Lex luthor has kryptonite and tries to take down superman by using the kryptonite


-Iron man 

Iron man is the good guy because Obadiah Stane which is his enemy he fights back against him because he is doing evil around the citys


-Obadiah Stane

He kidnapped iron man because iron man kept fighting back against him and he decided to kidnap iron man but he got away


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Sign Language task

 Hey bloggers, This week is sign language week so I want to try and learn more sign language so for our task today I decided to do learn my name in NZ sign language it took me a few tries to learn my name even though it's quite short it's still complicated. Now I understand how hard sign language can be so here is the video of me doing my name Enjoy!.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Iss timeline

 So for literacy today I wrote a timeline about the iss and what updates and changes have been made over the past little bit and we had to make a module in Minecraft but I was sick so I didn't have enough time to finish it. I'll add in some screenshots of the timeline I wrote the time line up until 2010.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Ti-Dye Science experiment

For my science experiment, we are ti-dying plain white shirts I will be doing this in the weekend so I can't give you my results today but I will tell you guys my hypothesis for this experiment. I believe that cotton will work the best for the dye because natural fibers work better for the dye to sink in and it will make more vibrant colours which will make it look a lot better. But on the other hand polyester, it won’t work as well because it’s not a natural fiber. Next Friday I will add photos of the final outcome and how it looks hopefully it turns out good!

Friday, July 24, 2020

First week back

This week for maths we had to do magic squares and the magic squares are 3x3 boxes and there are patterns that if you stick to you can solve it very fast and always work I will add in a screenshot of multiple different numbers and different magic squares. The solution to getting the answer is every time put the smallest number in a certain square and the same with the different numbers.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Southern Lights art

Hello Readers,

Today we have been doing art about the southern lights which is a really interesting subject because of how they look and how it happens, most southern light shows occur during the Southern Hemisphere's fall and winter months, which stretches from March through September.  Just like the northern lights, the southern lights occur when electrical charged solar particles and atoms.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Matariki Poem

Hey Readers,
It's taken a week to finish this and if you don't know what Matariki is It's a really interesting topic and it's defiantly worth doing a bit of research on especially if you want to learn about Maori.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Week 10 mashup

Hey Readers,
This week we have been progressing with our website's and we have to finish our symbols and I'll add in a screenshot of one of my symbols which was about Heart of gold, which is a space ship in Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.
Next is my math and we did linear vs non-linear relationships which is hard for me to fully explain properly, but we did have to make graphs as well for it to tell if I was linear and linear is when it's constantly going up or down when a non-linear is the opposite of it, and here are two screenshots of it.
Thanks, Readers tell me what you have done recently for your work,
Have you tried Linear relationships before?

Friday, June 12, 2020

My Mash up for this week

Hey Guys this week for literacy I've been doing my website that I'll put a link just Here and on my website this week I've been doing my themes about the book and I had to write 4 paragraphs about each character, please go check out my Website to look at my work.

Next, for my math, I had to do some questions about gumball machines and the people wanted the same amount, so I had to figure out how much money it would take which I'll add in screenshots but they were really fun to do.

Racism, describing photo

Hey Readers,
So on Tuesday, we had to pick a photo that we would like to talk about so I did a girl that had to get taken by multiple people to school because of her race, and I chose to do this once because I'm doing racism for my global Issue, so I thought this would help me understand the different kind of racism and why it happens.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Literacy Website

Hello Readers,
So for this week, we started doing our Website on google sites!
It's a really good and easy website to use when building a basic website and here is a screenshot of my site 

Math: Mr Morrison

Hey Bloggers,
This blog post is about my math and I choose to show a task about medicine what math have you done this week? So this is my math.

Friday, May 22, 2020

First blog post Back! (Mash up)

Hey Readers,
How was your time in lockdown? I know mine was kind of boring but hopefully, yours was fun!
Over this past week, I was just starting to get back into the normal school routine. For literary this week we have continued reading hitchhikers the guide of the galaxy which is fun to read and is a book I would highly recommend this book I have a few favorite parts that I can't choose out of but we have had quite a few tasks and a little bit of recapping the story

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

For math we have been learning python and python is really cool and really helpful with making math easier. Also been using this website called Kaggle it is a very good website and we have been using it to try and give us the answer so this will make it very easy to work out answers.

Sorry, Kaggle Isn't Real-World Data Science (With images) | Data ...

Thank you for reading my blog post this week! Tell me what you have done this week in the comments.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Friday task

Hey Guys,
Today we have had a choice of a few things but I decided to do the 90-second paint task so all we had to do was use this website that basically gives you random colours and you drag your courser and when you let go it changes colour then you drag it again and then over time all the colours faded into each other and it can make some pretty cool designs here are my few attempts! Hope you guys have a great day.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

My literacy work today

Hey guys,
So today I did my literacy work but I didn't do it properly but hope you enjoy,


If animals were never here then we would have a much smaller diet because of
no pork beef steak chicken and all the other exotic foods that you can get from
animals sheep give us wool for coats and bears can give us their skin for rugs
jerseys coats and more animals are crucial to human survival. 

Also snakes they give us cures to everything if we didn't have snakes we wouldn't
have any anti venom  witch would cause so many more deaths per year due to
not having anything to treat your patient with.

Also not all animals are hunted or used take the blue whale it used to be hunted
but now it is admired as the biggest animal on the planet.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Cat story

Hey guys so yesterday i couldnt post because my computer went blacked screen but it's working now so here is my cat script:

The cat stood up feeling dizzy and sore. She had no clue of her memory or what she had just done. She stumbled into a weird looking machine that started buzzing when she got in.

She arrived at some really fancy gates made out of what looked like pure gold and she could hear loud basey music coming from inside the massive mansion that was sitting in front of her .

Her legs started to work properly again so she walked into the building not knowing why or how she got here she looked up at one of the raging partiers and tried to meow to ask where she was but she was sure they couldn't understand anything. She's just a cat.

But when that meow was supposed to come out it didn't instead a british posh voice came out asking where am i could you please help me, the cat was shocked and the party goers face went pale.

At the party they were celebrating the scientists 30th they called him over and knew exactly what it was one of his test potions was accidentally leaked into the outside and the cat must've taken it lucky for her and the world is that the potion wears off within 24 hours.

Or so they thought...

Friday, April 17, 2020

My kingsman movie cover

Hey, guys, I'm really sorry I didn't post yesterday I forgot but I will post this one and another one today, but yesterday one of my tasks was to make a poster on our favourite movie, tv-show etc and make a poster and explain what it's about, enjoy!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

My Daily plan

Hey guys because of this coronavirus thing we have an online school which should hopefully mean more blog posts for you guys but today this is my daily plan about what I'm going to be doing during quarantine!

Monday, March 30, 2020

Puzzle: 3

Hey Readers,

Today I did another Puzzle so hope you guys enjoy this will be my last post of the day so I'll see you guys tomorrow!

Bailey Kenyon

Hey readers,

Today I read Kea kids news and I saw one that really sounded cool to me which was about Bailey Kenyon what he does is he finds and gets donated old bikes and he fixes them up and gives the bikes to kids in need that need a way to get to school or just to have fun at the skate park on bikes he uses his own money to fix up the bikes but sometimes he gets donate money or bike parts to help out and this shocked me because he is only 16 years old so I really hope he keeps this up and keeps on helping kids in need.

Kahoot with my family

Hey Guys,
So this morning I did a Kahoot with my family and we did it on logos! It was really fun, sadly I didn't take any pictures but it was very fun and I want to do it again with my family I highly recommend to do it with your family!

Friday, March 27, 2020

Maths Playground :3

Hey guys, today I did maths playground again but today It was a little bit harder so here it is I really recommend this game it's quite hard you need to understand it really well.

My puzzle :2

Hey guys today I did another puzzle this time it was cool and I hope you guys like it.

Sudoku 2

Hey Guys today I did another Sudoku hope you really enjoy it!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Maths Playground 2

Hey guys today I did maths buddy again except It was a lot harder so enjoy!

My puzzle

Hey guys today I did a puzzle enjoy it's really puzzle.

Sudoku Challenge

So today one of my tasks was to do a sudoku, so here is the screenshot that shows I did it!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Book Cover

Hey Guys,
This is my book cover about lee child, Die trying and I wrote the blurb on the front instead of the back so then you guys can read what it is about if you guys want to read it aswell, Enjoy!

Math Playground Game

Hey Guys,
Today I played a game on math playground it was asking me math questions and then every time I answered I got a boost but every time you get a question wrong you get pushed back and it's first one to the finish line wins.

Mike King : Gumboot friday

Hey guys,
Today I read kea kids and I saw that Mike King was raising 5 million dollars for mental health and I thought that was a great Idea so I'll explain it to you.

Gumboot encourages people to wear gumboots and give a gold coin donation to help fund free counselling for kids. His goal is to raise $5 million through the initiative.
So hopefully that helped you understand what it is and what a great idea it is!

Monday, March 16, 2020

Writing a poem

Hey bloggers!
In literacy we are writing poems, today our poems were based on a journey and a path that someone else wrote, so enjoy what I wrote.

At the gym, I saw Jack
I remember training hard every day.
Jack Gebbie was helping me train 
I met my idol on Wednesday
I did this training, to travel

I can now travel the world

Thanks for reading!

Friday, March 13, 2020

Final Essay

Hey guys,
So this is my final/edited Essay about waste Enjoy!

Waste Essay  

Food is being wasted and we need to try and reduce the waste otherwise we will run out of food sources.
We can help so many people if we reduce waste and save more food sources and even if we switch to a
different food source to save the ones that we overuse.

So one of our biggest problems is Overpopulation and how we are going to run out of food mainly due
to overpopulation. It's estimated to be around 10 billion people in the world by 2050 so we are most likely
going to run out of food if we keep on wasting food.

We can donate food to the poor/homeless so then not only we reduce food waste but then the poor get food
so then they don't have to worry about the cost of buying food. Also, we can give it to them through the
food bank so this is a very good way to reduce food waste and help the poor with food.

We don't always use all of the things we use for example the steam in broccoli if we find recipes that use
those things then we will waste a lot less food and also things like tomatoes etc, That should be a great
way to reduce waste of certain foods that we don't eat part of.

 Why waste so much money on food we don’t eat it’s insane so if we save even the tiniest bit of food every
day you will save money so much money throughout your life so there is no point to not save the food you
save money so then there is no worry about losing money. We lose approximately 165 billion dollars
a year!

We can switch to a different food source and a big food source that we can switch to is Insects because
there are so many different species and there are around 6 million so there will be at least one you will
like. So I think it will be a good food source to switch to even if it was just for a little bit even so then
we can grow back our current food sources.

So, in conclusion,  if you use a few of these things then you can easily help reduce food waste
and save money while doing it. So if you want to help save the world and save so much money
why not to make an effort to help reduce food waste and help others by donating. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Counting to 10 in Samoan on Scratch

Hey guys, Today I'm going to show you a thing I made on scratch where if you put in any number between 1 and 10 then he tells you what it is in Spanish!
I really hope you guys enjoy it!

Friday, March 6, 2020

My Essay (Draft)

Hey guys this is my Essay draft enjoy!
Waste Essay Draft

Food is being wasted and we need to try and reduce the waste otherwise we will run out of food sources. We can help so many people if we reduce waste and save more food sources and even if we switch to a different food source to save the ones that we overuse.

My first reason is we can donate food to the poor/homeless so then not only we reduce food waste but then the poor get food so then they don't have to worry about the cost of buying food. Also, we can give it to them through the food bank so this is a very good way to reduce food waste and help the poor with food.

Reason two is that we don't always use all of the things we use for example the steam in broccoli if we find recipes that uses those things then we will waste a lot less food and also things like tomatoes etc, That should be a great way to reduce waste of certain foods that we don't eat part of.

Reason three is we waste so much money on food we don’t eat so if we save even the tiniest bit of food every day you will save money so much money throughout your life so there is no point to not save food you save money so then there is no worry about losing money. We lose approximately 165 billion dollars a year!

Reason 4 is that we can switch to a different food source and a big food source that we can switch to is Insects because there are so many different species and there are around 6 million so there will be at least one you will like. So I think it will be a good food source to switch to even if it was just for a little bit even so then we can grow back or current food sources.

My final reason is Overpopulation and how we are going to run out of food mainly due to overpopulation. It's estimated to be around 10 billion people in the world by 2050 so we are most likely going to run out of food if we keep on wasting food.

So, in conclusion, food waste is a big thing also because of overpopulation we need more food to last the world so if you use a few of these things then you can easily help reduce food waste and save money while doing it. So if you want to help save the world and save so much money why not make an effort to help reduce food waste and help others by donating.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

My code

Hey Readers,
Today I'm challenging you to copy my picture in binary so tell me in the comments if you completed it.
This is my code:

Monday, March 2, 2020

My family Tree

Hey Guys,

For Inquiry, we made a family tree with our family up to our grandparents we had to ask our family our history so here is my family tree.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

My parody

Hey guys, today I'm gonna show you my parody of a poem by William Carlos Williams.

My version Original
I have smashed I have eaten
The phone the plums
That was working that were in the icebox

And which  and which
You were  you were
Probably probably
Using  saving for breakfast

Forgive me Forgive me
They were They were
so funny Delicious

So Fun so sweet
and so horrified and so cold
In the comments tell me if you have made a parody and show me if you would like

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

My pretty ugly portrait.

Hey Readers, hopefully, you guys had the best holiday I know I did a lot of fun things tell me in the comments what you did in the holidays.

So Theses past few days we have been working on our portraits I haven't quite finished it yet but when I do ill show you what mine looks like, I really like the mountains because I ski a lot and I've been in the NZ junior free ride tour and it's my favorite sport and the cricket wickets are for because play cricket and I really enjoy it.

Also, another thing I like doing is trampolining I've only just started but I'm getting better, and also another thing that is on there is rugby because I play rugby on Saturdays. But I hate school so that's why there is no school in it.

This art was inspired by Romero Britto his art is really bright and colorful and you should look at his drawings if you haven't seen them already.

See you guys next week so stay tuned for when I post I cant wait to show you guys what I have for you.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Reduce food waste

Hey guys,
Hope you guys are having a great day today I'm gonna show you my menus for different days of the week to reduce food waste!


Soccer stats

Hey Readers,
I'm here today to show you guys my questions and answers so please give me feedback on my work, Enjoy!
The highest goal scorer in the world is pele with a count of 1,281
In 2019 lionel Messi was the best player in the world
The best goalkeeper in the world in 2019 was Marc ter Stegen, Germany (Barcelona, SPA) - 27
The best defender in the world is Virgil Van Dijk.
The best striker in 2019 was no other than Cristiano Ronaldo
The person with the most intercepts is Diego Rico AFC Bournemouth Spain 66
The highest-paid player in 2019 was Lionel Messi who takes the top spot with $127 million.

Thanks for reading have a great day

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Food Waste

Hey Readers, There are so many kinds of the waste but I decided to do food waste because I feel like so much food is going to waste.

Food waste is a major issue in New Zealand. As a nation, we waste an estimated $872 million worth of food a year. That represents 122,500 tonnes of food sent to landfills—enough to feed everyone in Dunedin for two years. We are just wasting way too much and so many places are running out of food, for example, Africa, so many people are dying from starvation.

So, in conclusion, we should stop wasting food for no reason were running out of food too fast and running out of animals we need to stop eating so much and being picky over food. So many countries have no food and some countries waste a lot of food so we need to even it out.