
Thursday, February 27, 2020

My parody

Hey guys, today I'm gonna show you my parody of a poem by William Carlos Williams.

My version Original
I have smashed I have eaten
The phone the plums
That was working that were in the icebox

And which  and which
You were  you were
Probably probably
Using  saving for breakfast

Forgive me Forgive me
They were They were
so funny Delicious

So Fun so sweet
and so horrified and so cold
In the comments tell me if you have made a parody and show me if you would like

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

My pretty ugly portrait.

Hey Readers, hopefully, you guys had the best holiday I know I did a lot of fun things tell me in the comments what you did in the holidays.

So Theses past few days we have been working on our portraits I haven't quite finished it yet but when I do ill show you what mine looks like, I really like the mountains because I ski a lot and I've been in the NZ junior free ride tour and it's my favorite sport and the cricket wickets are for because play cricket and I really enjoy it.

Also, another thing I like doing is trampolining I've only just started but I'm getting better, and also another thing that is on there is rugby because I play rugby on Saturdays. But I hate school so that's why there is no school in it.

This art was inspired by Romero Britto his art is really bright and colorful and you should look at his drawings if you haven't seen them already.

See you guys next week so stay tuned for when I post I cant wait to show you guys what I have for you.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Reduce food waste

Hey guys,
Hope you guys are having a great day today I'm gonna show you my menus for different days of the week to reduce food waste!


Soccer stats

Hey Readers,
I'm here today to show you guys my questions and answers so please give me feedback on my work, Enjoy!
The highest goal scorer in the world is pele with a count of 1,281
In 2019 lionel Messi was the best player in the world
The best goalkeeper in the world in 2019 was Marc ter Stegen, Germany (Barcelona, SPA) - 27
The best defender in the world is Virgil Van Dijk.
The best striker in 2019 was no other than Cristiano Ronaldo
The person with the most intercepts is Diego Rico AFC Bournemouth Spain 66
The highest-paid player in 2019 was Lionel Messi who takes the top spot with $127 million.

Thanks for reading have a great day

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Food Waste

Hey Readers, There are so many kinds of the waste but I decided to do food waste because I feel like so much food is going to waste.

Food waste is a major issue in New Zealand. As a nation, we waste an estimated $872 million worth of food a year. That represents 122,500 tonnes of food sent to landfills—enough to feed everyone in Dunedin for two years. We are just wasting way too much and so many places are running out of food, for example, Africa, so many people are dying from starvation.

So, in conclusion, we should stop wasting food for no reason were running out of food too fast and running out of animals we need to stop eating so much and being picky over food. So many countries have no food and some countries waste a lot of food so we need to even it out.